Professor Michael A. Krassa, Ph.D.
Professor & Chair Emeritus of Human Dimensions of Environmental Systems (HDES), and
Professor Emeritus in SDEP, Political Science, NRES, and the Center for Global Studies at the University of Illinois
Avriel Shull Clinical Professor and Interdisciplinary Scholar in the Graduate College at Purdue University.

tel  217.300.4337
fax  217.244.5712

Contact information

Mailing Address:       Professor Emeritus Michael A. Krassa  
Department of Political Science
he University of Illinois, Mailcode 713
420 David Kinley Hall
1407 W. Gregory Dr.
Urbana, IL 61801

Urbana Location:      Landscape and Human Health Lab  (No mail can be received at this location.)
290(B) National Soybean Research Center (NSRC)
1101 W. Peabody Drive
Urbana, IL 61801

W. Lafayette Office:   Urban, Environmental, and Ecological Engineering Laboratory
850 Stadium Drive
West lafayette, IN 47907

Office Hours:              By appointment or by chance.
(Feel free to stop by my office (above) if you wish to take a chance that I am available. Please call or email me at least two days in advance to make an appointment for an in-person visit.)

Telephone:                  217-300-4337  (BEST: this is direct to my desk in the laboratory and has voicemail)

Fax number:                217-244-5712  (Always works, but please let me know if you send one as I rarely visit that building.)

On the web at UI: a draft of my new home page.  (my university homepage at Illinois) (my homepage in NRES at U of I)  (my homepage in political science at the U of I)


and elsewhere:          Scholars Strategy Network (my homepage at the Scholars Strategy Network)
The Conversation  (my homepage at The Conversation)

My units at UIUC:  (the University homepage)  (Human Dimensions of Environmental Systems homepage) (Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences)  (political science homepage)  (Center for Global Studies homepage)  (Social Dimensions of Environmental Policy homepage)

Purdue University: (the University homepage)

Personal Web:  is home to my blog, opinion pieces, queries, photo essays, and sundry other things.

Skype name:              Michael.Krassa 

Twitter handle:          @ProfKrassa

Email address:          Krassa[arrova]illinois[dot]edu, i.e., (or use the link below to use a preaddressed email form).

Email form:                 Click here to email me via the email form

Media contacts:         via The Scholars Strategy Network or via The American Sociological Association's Public Information office, or via "contact author" link on "The Conversation" site.
Media and reporters may contact me directly by email or at the above telephone numbers; my home and mobile phone numbers likewise are available to members of the press through the Scholars Strategy Network or the American Sociological Association contacts, above.
